
Typical Triathlon Obstacles

and how I can help

Simon Ward is the founder and co-owner of TheTriathlonCoach.com (with Jack Maitland)

He began the tri-coaching journey back in 1995 when personal training clients asked him to help them complete their first triathlon.

At the time there were very few triathlon coaches and no formal coach education programme in the UK.

As soon as the then BTA offered the L2 award (and subsequently L3) Simon applied, studied and qualified as one of the UK’s first L3 triathlon coaches.

Since that time he has gone on to become the leading tutor for British Triathlon, writing and delivering much of the current L3 course.


Here is what some of our athletes have to say:

I was introduced to Simon having been persuaded to enter the toughest triathlon on the planet …. wasdale x… now triathlon x. Initially Simon talked me through what I wanted from the event and what I expected of it and myself. He wanted to hear about my work schedule (heavy!) And my family life (at the time a 3 year old!). Simon designed a weekly training plan that was focused on my goals and I felt myself getting stronger as the weeks progressed… without work and family life suffering! Simon was always on the end of the phone or email for any queries or worries that I had…. there was plenty of self doubt but he talked that out of me! I arrived at my A race fully prepared and I hugely exceeded my expectations… and was able to also complete the ring of fire ultra marathon several months later- full of confidence! 

Coaching post wasdale focused more on quality as work and home commitments increased… never feeling as though I was doing enough (of anything)… and I completed the celtman (blue course) the following year along with Mallorca 70.3 which gave me an age group qualification time for the following year. Going into full distance age group European championships for the first time I had no expectations and simply wanted to finish without making a fool of myself! I surprised myself by winning my age group and I firmly believe that this would not have been possible without the solid foundation and good habits that Simon instilled in me from the outset. I can’t thank Simon enough for everything he has done and continues to do for me…. an awesome coach and fabulous friend! 

Claire Wheeler, Athlete

At the suggestion of my younger son, who had introduced me (as a spectator) to Ironman Bolton I took up Ironman aged 65 and did Tenby in 2011 and swore I would never do one again.  Roll on the next age group and I was aiming for Hawaii in 2016.  I am a qualified rowing coach with weight lifting and swimming coaching low level skills and planned to do my own programme.  My son told me not to be so stupid and put me in touch with Simon Ward.   It was a very smart move!  His skills really helped but it was his contacts and experience that made the difference.  

That year Melbourne was cancelled at the last minuted and so I was in deep mire with event entries and he managed to get me into Texas at the last minute with Ken Glah and then Bolton also via an last minute agency.  He supported me round Bolton (with the less than helpful hint to tell me that the guy I was trying to beat was ahead and wearing a Macmillan top! – several hundreds were!) and was really good on the lead into Kona where his programme was spot on. He cut out most of the work I was hoping to do and got the rest right as well as the time out there before hand.  Once out there he was the guy that met me on the finishing line and looked after me post race.  Always  sensitive to the needs of the moment his tweaking of the programme was tailored to your individual needs.

His Christmas present of an “Endurance Training” book (and this was after our contract was over) has totally changed my life and training with its emphasis on ketonic production and use of triglycerides.  Lastly, this is a thoroughly nice chap with an impish sense of humour whose motivation is less extracting money from you (which of course he does) but  to do the job right for you.

Chris George, Athlete

At the end of 2013 I had just completed my first long distance race and had spent 2 years building up through the various distances. I had got the bug but found that I was bouncing around trying to fit training in with a busy shift job and family life. I contacted Simon after previously meeting him on a training camp earlier that year. We sat down and discussed what I wanted to achieve and realistically how much training I could regularly and consistently complete. From this point I started a structured training program that has included all sessions outlined with good detail. I have a weekly call in which we discuss issues with training and move sessions around if necessary.

The results from this training plan for me have been spectacular. I have moved forward in every discipline and been able to race in  World Championships in Kona in the four years I have been with Simon. Achieved through the focus on training needs and consistency rather than masses of volume. 

Phil Wilson, Athlete

Simon Ward has been with me as my coach since I trained for my first Half Ironman distance race in 2004. We have done many races including 2 x 70.3 World Championship Ironman Distances. As an age group athlete with 3 children growing up through this period and a busy career for both myself and my wife, Simon has always tailored training to what I could actually do, not what the text book says I should be doing. This is precisely why I have been able to keep going at this sport and now count it as part of my lifestyle. What I particularly like is that he is well informed on all the latest research, not just for our sport, but for the wider fitness of our whole lifestyle, from diet, to sleeping patters, to proper rest & recovery and all round injury prevention.

Toby Baxendale, Athlete

Why You Should Work With Me

I no longer refer to myself as a triathlon coach. Instead I call myself a life coach for people who train for triathlon. Why? Because the biggest obstacles to them achieving their triathlon goals are generally not a lack of motivation, or willingness to train. It’s not lack of fitness either. Life “issues’ are the biggest problem…

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